Site Audit

Henshaw Farms can audit your location and determine what measures may need to be taken should your system need to receive emergency bulk water.

Although DEP guidelines require a PWS to have an action plan to receive bulk water, most times they are inadequate, or something has changed. For example, some building renovations, changes to parking lots, or now a dumpster is in the way!

Most times it can be challenging enough to schedule a tanker truck on short notice, only to find once on site there is a problem preventing us from unloading into the customer's system!

Some considerations would be:

Where would a truck and trailer park to unload? Is there room to turn around? How would access be provided with regards to snow removal? Will hoses be needed to access the building, or would it be filling an outdoor tank? Does the tank have a compatible fill port?

For systems where a trailer will be left onsite;

Where would the trailer be staged? Is the area must be reasonably level? Is there an access port on the building? It’s not practical to just run water lines and power cords through an open door, especially in cold weather operations. Will the system need a booster pump and UV light set up? If so, where will the power come from?

Henshaw Farms can create an action report detailing the process of supplying bulk water to the customer's facility; this would include what size and lengths of hoses would be required, power locations, and what (if any) pumping equipment would be needed.

This report will be kept on file, allowing us to quickly load what is needed to supply your system if the need arises!